Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Sergeant of Marines

We are so excited, and I am so proud of John! Today, he was promoted to Sergeant of Marines! We have been waiting for, and he has been working and striving for this day since he was promoted to Corporal last year! He has worked so hard, and today he was rewarded! Congratulations to my precious husband....Sergeant Williams!


Anonymous said...

Congrats, J-Dub!

Channing Conder said...

CONGRATS!!!!! that's so exciting!!!!! wow what an Honor!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow! Way to go, J-Dub! Congrats!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations John!!! We are so proud of you. Uncle Eddy & Aunt Kathy.

Michael and Elizabeth Sullivan said...

How exciting, and what a great achievement! Congratulations to John and kudos to the wife who supports him! Hope y'all are doing well!