Sunday, February 17, 2008


Well, I was looking at our blog and realized that there was just too much flip flop and not enough combat boots.

My friend Matt(Brownie) and I took the dogs to the beach over the weekend and here are the pics. For those who don't know, Gator is the white American Bulldog, Django is the Chocolate Lab, and Gypsy is the fat little Red Heeler. We found out that Gator does not like the ocean, Django loves the ocean, and as expected Gypsy really doesn't care where she is as long as she is with someone. I am training Django to pay attention to my voice no matter what is going on. How do I do this? It's quite simple when you have a dog that has already mastered the skill. I tie him to Gypsy and call both their names.. It didn't take him that long. Anyway, we had a good time and the dogs slept the entire way home.

Matt and Gator

Me and our kids


Anonymous said...

Hey guys! What a great blog! It's nice to see your faces ;)
I've always wanted a chocolate lab. If you ever come to Canada, you've got a place to stay!

amie said...

Is that the ACU today magazine in your house...Bev..I am dissapointed!!! Love ya!

Tiffany said...

Ok, I'll tell you who won, Kojies won first, Galaxy 1st, GSP 2nd, Siggies 2nd, Frats 3rd and Alpha Kai 3rd...but Sub T got 3rd in Entertainment! I think it was a new category, but I'm not sure..they were VERY excited, as they should be considering they hadn't won anything since the 80's. this was the first time in 7 years siggies and gsp lost 1st (i think, I might be wrong...). dt was good too, they just didn't have enough people up there to win anything. so, there you have it, the results in a nutshell!

Shauna said...

Hey Bevin!

How the heck are you? Glad to find your blog!


The Houston's said...

Hey!!! Glad to keep up with you! I love blogs!!! Your dogs are so cute!