Friday, March 13, 2009

We found a house!!!!

We are so excited! We found a new house that we LOVE! Okay, so yes, technically, we haven't seen it. But we have seen lots of pictures, and Mama and Daddy went out and looked at it for us and took even more pictures. Mama told me that they were going to have us move into their house and they were going to take this one. Haha! A HUGE thank you to Mama, Daddy, Channing, and Mema for driving out to Eagle Mountain Lake to look at this house for us! That ended up being a great life saver! Now, we can move directly into our house instead of having to crash with the parents! Not that I wouldn't have loved sleeping at Mama and Daddy's again, but it's going to be nice to get the move over with! I am sure they are relieved that we won't be bringing the mass chaos into their house, too! :-) Here are a few pictures that Mama took. I will put some more up once we get things moved in.

Living room. I am SO excited it has a wood burning fire place!!!!

Kitchen that is open into the living room

Guest bathroom

Who needs a chiminea when we have a gas fire pit in the back yard?!?!?!?!


Marissa said...

Looks awesome Bev! Now how about you and your folks find US a house! ;-) I really hate this aspect of PCSing! Good luck with everything- when's the big day?

Jenn said...

Looks like you found a great house! I hope the move is as smooth as possible! If you need to stop part way - we're in Clarksville, TN....that may not be a far enough drive to stop from where you are though!

Autism in the Waters said...

Congrats Bevin!!! Y'all won't be far from us, woo hoo!! Good luck with everything and let me know when you get settled in!! Love you! : )