Tuesday, April 29, 2008

FINE!!!!! I give in!!!!!

Okay, okay! Here you all go! I have been getting e-mails, threatening messages, and tags to post a new blog. I am sorry, people! Things have been a little crazy over the last month. So, I will post a few things tonight, I think.
First of all, I will start with the tag. My dear sweet friend, Lacie, tagged me to post 7 random things about myself. And, since she is one of my dearest friends, and I love her so much....I will do this for her. So, here goes...

1. I brush my teeth in the shower. Some people think that it is gross, but I do it. I have a tooth brush in the shower for the morning time, and another one in my bathroom for night time. I am a freak about my teeth.

2. I guess you could say I have a touch of OCD. People at work make fun of me all the time because all of my money in my register/cash bag has to be facing the same way and in order by denomination. It stresses me out when its all messy. Also, I have to have all the coke cans/beer cans/power-aide bottles facing the same way in the cooler. Okay, so tied in with the fact that I have two toothbrushes, maybe it's not just a touch of OCD.

3. I LOVE to 'pay it forward'. When ever I am in a drive through, especially at lunch time, when I get up to the window, I like to pay for the person's order who is behind me. I never know them, and I am sure they don't know me, but I like to think that I just brightened their day a little bit.

4. I am INCREDIBLY close with my family. I talk to my mom AT LEAST once a day. Talk to Daddy usually 3 or 4 times a week. Talk to both my sisters at least once a week, and to my grandparents about every 2-3 days. And I LOVE IT! I miss my family so much, I am glad that we all have unlimited long distance :-)

5. I have been skydiving. I only bring this up because we were talking about it at dinner tonight, and are talking about finding somewhere to do it again. It is the biggest rush, and SO much fun!

6. One of the things that I miss most about my "college days" is the dancing. Country dancing, with some of the best friends and dancers that I have ever danced with. Swinging around and twirling around and being thrown all over the place. Waltzing....with one of the best waltzers EVER. They know who they are! I miss dancing so much!

7. I play the piano. Not much these days, obviously, because we don't have one. But, I love to play. I love to sit down and play by ear, even though I am not that great at it. I love to read music, too, even though with out practice, it takes me a while. But, probably, mostly, I like to play because it means that I am sitting at my mother's piano....at home, in the living room where I grew up...and that is what makes it so special.

So, here are my 7 random things. I feel like these were all pretty boring. So, sorry about that. My next post will be a little better, I hope. But, I still need to tag someone to do this, and I tag CHANNING and DADDY. Neither one of you have posted since CHRISTMAS!!!!! At least it didn't take me 5 months!

Love you all!

1 comment:

Lacie said...

Yeah!!! You posted!!! I miss you, when are you going to be back in Texas? I will make the trip to Dallas, just tell me when and where! I love you!