Sunday, May 3, 2009

Crazy Strong Kids...

We were so excited to go watch Christian in his power lifting meet a few weeks ago. Christian is Craig's son, and John has watched him grow up. The power lifting meet was one of the craziest things that I have ever seen. These high school kids are SO strong! I hadn't ever been to one before, so I wasn't sure what to expect, but I was so surprised! There were kids that were bench pressing over 250 lbs! One kid squatted 400lbs!!!! It was insane. Keep in mind, these are highschoolers!

We were so proud of Christian! He was doing the "power cling" event. He lifted his personal best, 205lbs! Which was 20 pounds heavier than his previous personal best that he did two weeks ago! He was so awesome! Here are a few pictures...

Christian is the one in the white shirt. I think he looks just like his dad. John says he is bigger than Craig...

He is so strong!!!

This was the guy that was squatting 400lbs! I love how everyone is rallying around him!!!

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